العناية بالجسم

• Services •

العناية بالجسم

ينشغل الناس جدًا بالعناية بعقولهم والحفاظ على لياقتهم، لدرجة أنهم غالبًا ما يتجاهلون الرعاية الشاملة التي تتوق إليها أجسادهم. نحن نقدم دورات تدليك وعلاجات زيتية لكامل الجسم وخطط علاجية مخصصة لمشاكل البشرة المختلفة. يرجى تحديد أي دواء تتناوله أثناء الحجز.


Jess Mariko

Dr.Nabila is the best – I've been regularly seeing her for 2 years now and I've been able to seriously improve my cystic acne. She's professional and knows what she's doing.

Sarah Morgan

I initially got referred to Dr.Nabila by my doctor, since I suffer from a psoriasis that's been difficult to manage with medication alone. Thanks to Dr.Nabila know-how, we've been able to keep the flair-ups down for a year now.

Alice Stauber

I recently moved to the area and was looking for a beauty salon that would offer both body treatments and nail services. Dr.Nabila does both, and she does them well. Thanks girl!

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